What is a Fair Shared City?
In Central Europe, the architectural and urban planning practice usually serves well those who are healthy and economically active. But when we consider demographics, working and economically active people only make up just over half of urban population. Senior citizens and young people under 18 years of age complete the whole. Trends also show that our population is ageing and when we overlay gender and ethnicity, the user groups significantly diverge. Each of them has different needs.
How do we ensure a city that offers a fair-share to everyone?
How to Design a Fair Shared City? offers 8 simple and captivating stories of different heroes representing the wider user groups of our population. Two fictional architects, Sophia and Eric, will guide us through stories of a girl, a parent an elderly woman, a couple, kids and common visitors using different urban areas to remind us of daily situations in which design by default can be a significant obstacle. On the other hand, it offers solutions for how thoughtful design can significantly improve the quality of urban life - at no extra cost. This publication is intended for architects, urban planners, politicians, anthropologists and the wider public with an interest in urban design. We hope it will spark a deeper understanding of design impacts in our everyday lives. We also hope that while reading it you will have fun, find an interest and pass it on.
This publication has been developed in close cooperation with Heinrich Boll Foundation in Prague and is dedicated to architects, urban planners, politicians, anthropologists and a wider public with an interest in urban design. We hope it will spark a deeper understanding of design impacts in our everyday lives. We also hope that while reading it you will have fun, find an interest and pass it on.
Visit our gallery to see two sample stories from the book..